365 days of strategic thinking

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

123) Twifficiency

Lately I've been seeing a lot of Twifficiency score tweets on Twitter. The application calculates your score based on the number of people you follow, the number of people who follow you, how often you tweet, and apparently how many tweets you read (not sure how they figure out that last one). Twifficiency then automatically spits out a tweet reporting your score (much to the dismay of this Google Exec pictured above).

One of the people I follow wondered if there will come a day when one's Twifficiency score would be scrutinized at a job interview. I've been thinking about Twitter activity a lot recently, in light of my hiatus from the working world. While I was in Spain, I took a sabbatical from Twitter, and am just now getting back into the swing of it. The job that I will eventually apply for will most likely require an understanding of social networks. Does it, then, behoove me to remain active on Twitter, even if it means forcing it a little bit? By the same token, should I have a foursquare account, even though I don't like broadcasting where I am? Should "proficient in [insert social network here]" be included at the bottom of resumes?