365 days of strategic thinking

Friday, August 13, 2010

119) Sexy Smartphones

OkCupid.com recently released some interesting social findings on their blog, OkTrends. Using aggregated survey data from 10,000 of their users, they found a correlation between brand of smartphone and number of sexual partners. I bet you can guess which legion of smartphone users came out on top (or bottom).

Yes, the oh so sexy iPhone claimed the title of smartphone with the most bangable owners, followed by Blackberry and Android. Check out the numbers for 30-year-olds:

Trend holds true across all ages:

Of course, this data means nothing if we can't conclude causality, or the reason behind these numbers. Speculation is that the type of people who buy iPhones are also those who typically have more partners (simple, no?). Think of Justin Long in the old Mac vs. PC ads. He's young, cool, artsy and smooth with the ladies, whereas PC (read: Blackberry) is old, dumpy, stale and awkward. Could, then, the data be seen as the result of a successful ad campaign on Apple's part?

In a chicken and egg sort of way, could it now also be possible that people with iPhones are seen as more desirable, based on the personality characteristics that the iPhone implies? Maybe on a more subconscious level - when it comes down to it, I'm not sure how many people are actually choosing their partners based on smartphone choice (i.e.- I was about to go home with him, but then he whipped out an Android...).

I applaud OkCupid for being curious and proactive with their members' information, but it's yet to be seen whether anyone will follow up with the oh-so-important "why".