365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, August 7, 2010

113) Social Types

Lately, I've been having a lot of conversations about types of people, in the social sense. Here's the best scenario I've heard so far. Imagine you've just taken your seat on an airplane. Your carry-ons are stowed and stuffed, seat belt clicked and tightened. Someone shuffles over and plops down in the seat next to you. After a similar settling ritual, the person turns to you and strikes up a conversation.

Let's omit the scenario where this person is an attractive member of the opposite sex. In general, how enthusiastic are you about the conversation? Do you spend the whole flight chatting, or do you keep politely to the basics while silently wishing you could get back to your book/iPod?

Of course, there is a whole range of answers that are largely dependent on the situation. But when you boil it down, generally there are two types of people. Those who enthusiastically engage in these conversations, and those who would rather keep to themselves. Think about it - which type are you?


Unknown said...

Interesting post because my sister a few yrs ago when she was in law school flew back to CA for my cousin's wedding. Got settled in, headphones in and law book out ready to studying. The guy next to her found her cute and started to chat it up with her about her law book. While she wanted to keep to herself and study he was persistent in keeping up the conversation. Talked the entire 5 hr flight and now he's her husband! My sister definitely is a keep to herself kind of person yet his persistence won.

Natalie said...

Bridget - I love that story, thanks for sharing!