365 days of strategic thinking

Friday, July 30, 2010

Adios, Barcelona

It's 5:15AM in Barcelona. Since I have to leave for the airport around 6:30AM, I've decided to just power through and catch up on sleep during my very long flights home. Saturday's entry is written and scheduled to post so there won't be any break in The Plan.

I thought about writing a reflection of this past month in Spain, but I think it will take some time to fully process. It will most likely come out in pieces here and there. I can say that I learned a lot about myself (it is as corny as it sounds), and am coming to terms with the person that I am, good qualities and faults included. And while I've had an amazing time here in Barcelona, I'm strangely anxious to get back to LA.

Thank you for putting up with my Barcelona-centric posts. Hopefully they were quasi-interesting to read, even if you weren't here. It'll be interesting to see how the things I learned in my coolhunting class affect the posts from here on out.

See you on the flip side aka LA aka home.