365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, July 11, 2010

86) Social Art

I’ve gone to two art show openings in this past week - Bouil’hot at The Vallery and Super Natural Zosen Show at Galeria CMTV pictured above - and both times was struck by the number of people standing outside of the gallery versus inside. In observing the attendees, many of them did a quick circuit around the gallery before grabbing a beer (pretty standard offering, it seems) and heading outside. The openings seemed to serve more as a social gathering than an exhibit.

Obviously, these events rarely involve people silently looking at the art. Openings strive to create a social atmosphere with music, food and drink. However, in the US, the socializing generally happens inside the gallery. There is value placed on being seen inside an art opening. It will be interesting to continue to note where the crowd is hanging out here in Barcelona, to determine whether it’s a cultural thing or just a matter of convenience.

(Mini aside - VIVA ESPANA!!!!!!!!)