365 days of strategic thinking

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

74) Leggings Are Not Pants

Eric and I used to make a little game out of pointing out leggings (or god forbid, tights) being worn as pants in public. You'd be surprised how many ladies out there feel comfortable (empowered?) enough to wear what is essentially a second skin out on the town. I can't put my finger on the possible appeal, other than it being super comfortable to wear. Because if it's shapely, attractive legs these girls are after, the mark has been missed. Somehow leggings as pants don't translate as sexy the way a tightly fitting mini skirt might. They're just so...graphic. Blogger Chelsea Bauch said it best:
If you’re sitting there shaking your head and pretending that your Pilates-toned legs are the exception, then think again. No one likes to see the crevices of a stranger’s lady bits while walking down the street. No one likes to see the inevitable shake of an unharnessed booty (well, most don’t) while at the grocery store. No one likes having to awkwardly avert his or her eyes at the sight of an uncomfortable-looking camel toe on the horizon. It’s simple, people: No one likes seeing someone else’s nether regions during normal, day-to-day interactions.

Awhile ago, Eric had proposed a blog dedicated to examples of leggings being inappropriately worn as pants. It's been written down on my to-research list for awhile, but it wasn't until this afternoon that I started snooping around. Back in 2009, fashion bloggers were up in arms against the trend. (Google "leggings are not pants" to see for yourself) And as expected, a blog of reader-submitted photos called Those Aren't Pants does already exist (though I was a bit underwhelmed). There's also the appropriately named Facebook group, Leggings Are Not Pants, So Cover Your Ass.

What's interesting about the leggings as pants trend is its longevity despite the vocal outcry by fashion bloggers. Sure, fashion is subjective, but with so many opponents, you'd think it would have died out by now. And what of its origin? From what I can tell, it's one of those 80's resurgence trends that was picked up by celebs like Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian. I've been looking for examples of leggings as pants on the big dog runways, but nothing yet. While that doesn't mean they don't exist, I'd venture to say that this is a trend sprung from pop culture, and not from fashion design.


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