365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, June 6, 2010

51) Emotional Currency Part 2

People often talk about the worth of a blog based on the number of readers, or the number of hits per day. That's well and fine, but is there something to be said about the amount of emotion a blogger can elicit from his/her readers? While news/fact based blogs are great for information, having the power to make people feel something is a whole other story.

What if there was a way to measure the emotional currency of a blog? Could we put a price on it?

Yesterday's post was very last minute and rushed, but I think the subject warrants a little more love and attention. Marketers always talk about establishing an emotional connection with their consumers. Market saturation has long made it impossible to rely on product attributes and claims alone. Thus, brands now play off emotional drivers - our need for this, our nostalgia over that, etc. The strength of a brand is often measured by brand affinity, or other equivalent rulers of associated emotion.

But what if we also measured the emotional currency of media, the delivery method of the brand's message? The example I brought up yesterday was blogs. Advertisers seek out blogs that have the most readers, the most page views. Various analytics platforms make it very easy to see how many eyes one gets. But what if we could mete out the eyes seeking out information, and the eyes who come back for some emotional benefit? Some of the best blogs I've read are purely personal, honest and well-written. The question is, does their emotional pull carry any monetary weight? If so, how could it be measured?


Liz said...

will you be spain-bound?