365 days of strategic thinking

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

54) Dawn's a Winner

The media continually reminds us that when it comes to the BP oil spill, no one is a winner. Clearly, BP itself is the very opposite of a winner. No matter what Obama and the government do, they're not winners. Their response is not preventative enough (after the fact...), not swift enough, not angry enough. And unfortunately, the Gulf Coast is not a winner.

No, the only winner emerging from this disaster is Dawn. The company has swooped to the rescue (much like they've done in the past) with their liquid dish soap. Their product is fortunate enough to fill the niche role of the liquid soap that's perfect for oil spill clean up efforts. It's a rare thing - a product whose basic formula places it above their competitors.

I find myself wondering what the scene in the Dawn corporate offices was, when news of the oil spill first broke. The optimist in me envisions the noble Dawn-ites springing to their feet with cries of, "How horrible! What a disaster!" They immediately contact the Coast Guard with reassurances - we're here to help, we're sending over as much free Dawn dish soap as you need immediately. My cynical side imagines all the little cash registers cha-chinging in their heads at the thought of Dawn's brand affinity shooting through the roof. The head of PR picks up the phone. "Release the oily animal commercial," he says in a controlled voice (actual spot above). Instantly, corresponding press releases get blasted into the PRsphere, so that every journalist makes sure to mention that Dawn liquid has been used over the "past three decades" in oil spill disasters.

Whatever the reality (probably a bit of both - ah, the moral anguish!), Dawn continues to enjoy a unique position in oil spill lore. It would be interesting to note how much of a bump Dawn sales get as a result of a particular oil spill. Variables could include the extent of the damage, and the transparency of Dawn's agenda in relation to the amount of communication it puts out there.