365 days of strategic thinking

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

347) Don't Forget the Humans

(Image from PSFK.)

Sci-fi headlines like this one - "Mind Scanning Gadget Enables Emotional Browsing Of Flickr" - have been popping up more frequently on my feeds lately. My first response is to always look for the preserved humanity (if any) in these high tech, futuristic innovations. As we move toward a world where computers and algorithms can beat us in Jeopardy and provide us with emotional comfort as virtual girlfriends, I think the brands that can maintain an element of real humanity will continue to bubble to the top.

(Seems like it would just be easier to navigate Flickr the traditional way...*shakes head, blinks furiously*)

(Mini aside - I'm not sure if it's knowing I only have 18 more posts to go, or that my mind's been elsewhere, but I'm finding it difficult to write these days. Pushing myself to finish strong. Thanks for sticking it out.)