365 days of strategic thinking

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

320) DIY Insights

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.

(A completely unrelated video that I thought was neat and wanted to share.)

I've had a lot on my mind and a lot going on recently, and as a result, I'm at a complete loss of what to write tonight. I've been posted up on my bed staring at the cursor.


This Mashable article caught my attention a couple days ago. GutCheck, a do-it-yourself qualitative research company took home the People's Choice award at DEMO's spring conference. For those not in the biz, focus groups are generally pretty pricey, what with the recruiting, moderating and facility fees.

GutCheck customers draw from the service’s pool of five million participants for targeted questioning. Then they interview respondents in a traditional question-and-answer survey format, or something more free-form. Interview transcripts are stored and can be shared with co-workers.

Its low price point — $40 per qualified 30 minute interview — makes it affordable for even the smallest of businesses and startups.

I love that of all the emerging mobile app, social media and group communication companies out there, DEMO chose to recognize a company that makes learning about people and getting at those golden insights more accessible.

Zzzzz, brain is asleep. Exciting news about the next week or so, coming soon!