365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, March 26, 2011

344) That Changes Everything

Around the world in 2000 pictures from alex profit on Vimeo.

“We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything.”

- Jonah Lehrer, The Guardian

It's back. The travel bug. Three things happened. First, I talked with one of my best friends who is living in Colombia for a month via video chat. Second, I was sent a series of achingly gorgeous images from faraway cities by a friend who is much better-traveled than me. Lastly, I was sifting (digitally) through my photos from Barcelona, which have the uncanny ability to make me a little emotional. Bitten.

I posted this quote almost a year ago in a post about traveling, expanding horizons, etc (before Spain, before Asia). What amazes me this time around is how important life in New York can feel - how all-consuming the city is as one's whole world. But all it takes is a few photos from a couple Google image searches, and the sheer amount of unseen begins to overwhelm.

Can we ever shake the urge to travel? I've had friends talk about, "getting it out their system" before life's commitments become jet-set preventative. Truth be told, I was a late bloomer when it came to the want/need to travel. As much as I enjoyed family vacations to exotic corners (my parents were good about exposing us to different parts of the world), I didn't have the urge to strike out on my own until, well, last year I suppose.

If our biological instincts tell us to reproduce and raise offspring (implying a state of settlement), then the urge to travel is something wrought of...what? Our human curiosity? The want to expose ourselves to as much unknown as possible in order to be culturally and intellectually fit?

Bottomline: Need to start formulating travel plans for 2011.