365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, March 6, 2011

324) Great Expectations

(Totes unrelated, but neat nonetheless.)

I consider myself a rational person. Most of the time, I can separate emotion from the equation, and focus on the realities of the situation. But for some reason lately, there have been two things about which my irrational imagination has been running wild: first dates and apartments.

In both cases, I'll start thinking way too far into the future upon first meeting. Like, embarrassingly ridiculously far. And while my brain knows how ridiculous it is (I swear I'm not one of those girls who is raring to get married and pop out babies. It's actually quite the opposite), it can't help itself, at least momentarily, indulge in the most optimistic of vision of what could be.

The most recent example (and the reason for SO much stress lately): I've been apartment hunting, as my temporary sublet term is coming to an end. I've been at it for a couple weeks now, and finally saw one that pleased me in a killer location yesterday. I hadn't even submitted an application, when my brain started to mentally furnish every inch of it. I imagined what my house warming party would be like, what hosting NY visitors would be like. In my head, I'm growing old in an apartment that I don't even have yet. (CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND TOES FOR ME. SERIOUSLY.)