365 days of strategic thinking

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

285) Set Up Post

I'm at a complete and utter loss of what to write about today, so instead, I'll use this post to set up tomorrow's.

Tomorrow I'll be performing the One Photo Every Hour exercise. Basically, I'll be taking one photo every hour from the time I get until I go to bed. In the end I'll have a reflection of a typical day in the life of me. And by limiting it to one photo per hour, it will allow me to examine what (and what isn't) noteworthy.

I'll post all the pictures tomorrow night before bed. I encourage everyone to try it themselves - it's a nice little self-reflection exercise. It lets you step back and look at your life from a more zoomed out perspective. Just bring a digital camera along with you, or use your smartphone. Easy peasy.

Until tomorrow.