365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, January 15, 2011

274) The Evolution of Execution

(Image from A Day In Tha Life Of...)

Do you remember when banner ads were first introduced? Those super intrusive, seizure-inducing, LOOK AT THIS NOW atrocities that started to share space with online content. Then, as we started to understand them better and the way that people (don't) interact with them, they became more sophisticated. And as the technology continues to improve (hello, HTML 5 - not an ad, but you get the idea. Highly recommend downloading Chrome just to watch - screen grab above), we'll see even more clever executions.

I can't wait to see geo-targeted ads go through the same evolution. The obnoxious first attempts from those who are just happy to be here (or wherever you are) to the elegantly executed and ingenious campaigns of the future. The optimist in me might wonder whether we know enough now that we can skip the awkward initial stage. But the realist in me thinks that the growing pains are a natural and maybe necessary part of the process.