365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, February 27, 2011

317) Choose Your Own Ad

When you watch something on Hulu, there are typically two types of ads that you see. 1) Ads that start playing automatically - you have no choice but to watch. 2) One brand will give the viewer two or three version options from which to choose. The idea is to allow the consumer to self-target by selecting the version that's most relevant (ex - Honda for moms, Honda for young adults, or Honda for the silver foxes).

Today I saw a third type of ad for the first time. I was presented with two ads from which to choose, each from a different brand. One was for Geico, the other for Red Lobster (wish I had grabbed a screen shot). I selected Red Lobster, because if I'm going to have to watch an ad, I'd at least like to drool over incredible, albeit completely inaccurate, food footage. (Side note - having worked with quick service seafood restaurant footage in the past, all I can think is, "Biscuit break! Butter dunk! Tilapia fork!" when I watch.) The above ad is just a representation - it's actually Lobster Fest right now, not Fresh Fish.

This choose-your-own-adventure ad approach is interesting. If you have to watch a commercial, it's nice to at the very least dictate which one you'll see. I don't know the details of Hulu media buys, but essentially someone paid for ad space, but the viewer may or may not end up seeing their spot. I wonder if this game of chance comes at a discounted rate.