365 days of strategic thinking

Friday, August 27, 2010

133) Time Relevance

(Photo from one+infinity.)

And so it begins. In the past couple of days I've had to say goodbye for now to two of my closest friends in LA. I know this part is inevitable, but somehow the fact that our schedules won't sync up before I leave for NY makes it seem premature. Thankfully, one of them said something really wise as we bid adieu. He said not to worry, because as we get older, time has different meaning.

For me it started in high school. Every year seemed to go by just a little bit faster. In college, time continued to pick up the pace, until all of sudden I'm throwing my grad cap in the air. Out in the real world, settling into a work routine, days and months fly by. You feel like you're constantly looking up and saying, how is it already [insert month, season or year here]?

While sometimes terrifying, this acceleration of time makes the months of not seeing friends less relevant. Sure, to not be able to see certain people any time I want will be an adjustment. But it's not like this is the first (or last) time I've moved away from friends (Gunn HS '04, what up). I guess it feels different this time, since it's not a necessity move the way the relocation for college was. (Or is it?)