365 days of strategic thinking

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

110) Feral Bee

Today's Tasting Table email featured Feral Honey & Bee. The concept is simple. Silver Lake residents Amy Seidenwurm and Russell Bates maintain bee colonies in their backyard, and harvest the honey in small batches to the delight of fellow Angelenos. Since bees don't travel more than a few miles from home base, the honey has a distinct flavor profile that reflects the flora in the area - orange blossom, clover, lemon and lavender. It doesn't get any more local than that.

What struck me about Feral Honey & Bee is how this small operation reflects some of today's biggest macrotrends. Localvore (locally produced, flavors specific to local flowers), all-natural (chemical-free, no pesticides), a return to basics ("We subscribe to the principles of Backwards Beekeeping: a return to hands-off beekeeping, letting natural selection do the work that gave us bees in the first place at least 14 million years ago."), artisanship (small batches), and randomized luxury (each batch different from the last, unique in flavor).