365 days of strategic thinking

Thursday, August 5, 2010

111) Interactive Trailers

The interactive Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer has been making its way around the Interwebs, thanks to its staggering, never before seen levels of interaction and its ability to be easily embedded. The first of its kind, the trailer invites viewers to click anywhere during the trailer to unlock facts, behind the scene bits, sneak preview scenes and director's notes. It's also built like a video game to reflect the movie, so every click is rewarded with points and a satisfying cha-ching sound effect. I can't even wrap my mind around how much content is contained in this one 2:30 trailer widget. Check out the trailer here and go crazy. (Update: it was brought to my attention that the embedded trailer's music was taking over my blog. Thus, just the link).

It's yet to be seen whether the interactive trailer will convert to ticket sales, but there's no question that people will be spending more time than usual watching the trailer. I expect that the industry will follow suit, and that we'll see a flood of interactive trailers in the future. Now that a medium standard has been set, it will be interesting to see what kind of things people come up with to raise the bar.