365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, December 25, 2010

253) Cases of Hangry

Yesterday, I had a wicked bout of hangry. For those of you who don't have first hand experience with a girlfriend or sister, hangry is hunger-induced anger. It's a dark, ugly mood brought on by low blood sugar levels. It's irrational nastiness for no reason other than your stomach has been empty for five minutes too long.

When hangry, it's important to surround yourself with people who understand that you're normally not a complete bitch, and who won't take it personally. Yesterday I was with my family, who loves me no matter what, so I funneled all my hangry at the waitress at the restaurant where we had a (too) late lunch (she wasn't helping either, service was terrible).

Inevitably, your significant other is the one who has to put up with the hangry. The good ones call you out on it and make you realize how ridiculous you're being. My ex used to make me carry an emergency Luna bar in my purse, and another in my car to preempt cases of hangry. Snickers gets it too (see above).

(Mini aside - Merry Christmas to all my lovely Plan readers! Best case scenario, you're surrounded by loved ones and stuffed with good food.)