365 days of strategic thinking

Friday, December 17, 2010

245) A Million Confidences

I have about 30 minutes until I have to leave for JFK. I'm in one of those giddy, can't-wait-for-school-to-get-out moods at the thought of two glorious weeks at home. Can't wait to see everyone in the Bay Area. There's a small chance I'll be down in LA too.

A quote from an article I read earlier today has been on repeat in my head:
"The noise of a million confidences blaring all the time will drown out the meaning."
- Catherine A. Fitzpatrick

She is, of course, talking about the future of the Internet. This was back in 2000, so in theory, she was talking about now.

Something about the quote strikes me as so eloquent and profound. At the same time, I'd like to believe that all the online sharing and self-disclosure hasn't diluted the meaning. Just because there are thousands of other strategic planning blogs out there, doesn't mean mine is less meaningful. Does it?

It's go time. See you on the left coast.