365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, May 30, 2010

44) Anatomy of a Catch Up

1) The greeting. Exclamations of how long it's been, accompanied by a hug. Length and tightness of said hug dependent on perceived level of closeness, and amount of time since last hug.

2) The basics. First topic: work. Current job/school/life situation. Discussion of what one does to occupy their days. Second topic: love life. Recent prospects, status of current relationship, last conversation with an ex. Third topic: Family. How and what your father/mother/siblings are doing.

3) Friends' basics. A recitation of mutual friends and their whereabouts. Reports on last encounters and life plans. Often elicits expressions of regret for not keeping in touch with mutual friend of note.

4) The past. No catch up is complete without some reference to the past. A look back at how things were back then. Hints of amusement and nostalgia, while keeping mindful of taboo or sensitive subjects. It's a reflection, not a dredging.

5) Current events. When conversation wears a little thin, one can always turn to pop culture or the news for fodder.

6) The parting. A second hug whose length and tightness are dependent on the approximate amount of time until the next meeting. Brief discussion of said future meeting, however vague.

Note: Elements not chronological. Interspersed with alternating moments of animated chatter and awkward lulls, as well as references to your last conversation for context.


Brent said...

Hahaha :)

Unknown said...

Funny, but true! You always have to pretend that you will see the person in the near future... but keeping it vague is key.