365 days of strategic thinking

Monday, February 14, 2011

304) A Take on Love

(From The Oatmeal.)

As usual, The Oatmeal nails it on the head. For the singles, there's a spectrum of reactions when it comes to Valentine's Day. On one end you have the wallowers who see the day as a cruel reminder of their singledom. And on the other end, there are the eff love, independent woman, love yourself crusaders.

In my first single Vday in awhile, I've been trying to figure out my own take on the holiday. I remembered an old Xanga post that I wrote from 5 years ago (insane!), on this very day:

Overall today was like any other. Except that I ate more chocolate than usual. Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday, no doubt. But that's no reason to bag on it - it's a celebration of love in general. And c'mon, if we all had a special someone, we would all relish this day. And though we don't all have special someones (yet), can't we be happy for those who do?

So in honor of the 14th, here's to my past loves. You probably don't read this, but if you do, know that you are still in my heart. As much as I ignore/bitch/cut ties, I loved you and appreciate everything. I wish you all the best with your new loves. And to my friends - here and afar - I probably say this all the time in here, but I love you all, and am so appreciative of your love for me.

Clearly, I was much more effusive back then.

As corny as it was, some of the sentiment remains. I'm on much better terms with all the past loves, and do hold all of them dearly as big parts of my life. I'm grateful for the love I was lucky enough to have. And while Valentine's Day is a reminder of singleness, it's also a reminder that flying solo right now is a very good thing.

(PS - And just for fun and transparency, a list of all the past crushes that never came to fruition, in no particular order: DL, JD, TL, DT, AI, PL, GR, PD, MK, ES, JE, AM, TG, ET, AC.)