365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, April 9, 2011

358) A Very Important Person

When it comes to events, clubs, etc. is there anything worse than "the list" culture? The anxiety over whether or not you're friend actually put you on the list, or whether you can get in without being on the list. Being denied in front of a whole line of people, dealing with the bouncer's power-trip attitude. And waiting in a long ass line, only to watch VIP slip in unhindered.

Unless you yourself are VIP. All you can think about is how great VIP is, how much fun you're having, how privileged you inherently feel. You don't, for a second, think about the riffraff who are still waiting outside, while you're already three drinks deep and have had your way with the dance floor.

But though it never crosses a VIP's mind, one cannot fully appreciate the VIP experience without having known the other side.

(Mini aside - currently on a bus down to DC for the weekend. Looking forward to my cousin's bday party, the cherry blossom festival, and slightly warmer weather.)