365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, April 2, 2011

351) Genuine Flash Mobs

Quick post tonight, as I'm heading out in a bit.

It's really uncomfortable when a video tries too hard be viral instead of just letting it happen naturally. I'm convinced that there is no formula for viralness, and that the unspoken power of viral lies solely in the hands of viewers.

By the same token, there's nothing sadder than a flash mob gone wrong. About a week ago, a couple co-workers were buzzing about a flash mob that was happening at noon in Union Square, right by our office. A few of us went down to grab lunch and to check it out. The "flash mob" amounted to a group of cheerleaders performing their routine while people carried in water jugs to celebrate World Water Day (just checked - it was a Levis-backed stunt). It was little more than a ripple, a flash in the pan, and definitely not a mob.

Cut to today.

(Video is of the same event last year.)

It was National Pillow Fight Day, and Union Square hosted one of the NYC ones this afternoon. I walked by earlier as it was winding down, but there was still a joyful energy in the air. The ground was covered in feathers and fluff, and everyone had little bits stuck in their hair like snow. I took a few pictures which I'll post later.

Like the viral videos, there's something to be said about the organic nature of flash mobs. Mobs for the sake of something fun will very often prove to be more successful than brand-backed gatherings.