365 days of strategic thinking

Saturday, September 18, 2010

155) Love Triangle

(Super serious photo from The Columnists.)

Is there anything more riveting than a love triangle? Tonight a friend and I were waxing nostalgic about TV series of the 90s. He brought up Dawson's Creek, whose plot line leans heavily on the triangle between Dawson, Joey and Pacey. Whether in fictional Capeside, Massachusetts or Forks, Washington (Team Jacob!), these triangles follow a distinct formula.

While there are counter examples (Betty-Archie-Veronica, Pam-Jim-Karen), most triangles feature a woman caught between two men. The suitors, so to speak, are always opposites both in personality (good boy vs. bad boy) and in physical appearance (hair being the main differentiation - blond hair vs. dark hair). In order to sustain the storyline, the two men are equals with pros and cons that vacillate inversely of one another.

Some memorable love triangles (note: isosceles) from pop culture:
- Dawson's Creek: Dawson-Joey-Pacey
- Felicity: Ben-Felicity-Noel
- Gilmore Girls: Dean-Rory-Jess
- Bridget Jones' Diary: Mark-Bridget-Daniel
- Lost: Jack-Kate-Sawyer
- Twilight: Edward-Bella-Jacob

What is it, exactly, that makes love triangles so watchable? Is it that we live vicariously through the pinnacle of the triangle, being courted by two equally charming prospects? Is it the idea of choice, of making the right decision - the tension between head vs. heart? Is it because we choose a side as viewers, championing one over the other? (Team Jacob!)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

As your brother, I am shocked and (somewhat) appalled that you are invested in Twilight enough to pick a side -__-