365 days of strategic thinking

Monday, September 6, 2010

143) Shmasensored

Hello from Beijing! I ran into a road block today when I tried to get on blogger.com to write today's post - no dice. For fear of being shmasensored by the powers that be, let's just say that posting for the remainder of the trip will be challenging. In an effort to not have a break in posts (and to not be silenced), I'll be sending posts to a godsend friend who will post them for me. While this means more rudimentary posts - no links, and maybe no pictures - hopefully they'll still be coherent and interesting. I have no idea whether this will work or not, but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. I can't even see whether entries have been posted, so please bear with the temporary craziness.

Without going too much into it, I'll just say this. It's amazing what people accept, and how matter-of-factly crazy examples of not so pleasant things are stated. As for the freedom to write whatever you want (or the freedom to access your blog, period), it's true - you really don't know what you got til it's gone.