365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catch Up Post

Hello, my darling Plan readers. I feel like I haven't communicated via aside in awhile. I'm at the point where posting daily has become routine, so sometimes it's easy to get caught in the rhythm and not look up. Most of you know that I try to keep personal stuff off the blog, but really, that's what makes them interesting, no?

Life in NY is good. I'm still enjoying my job, working on a couple killer projects right now. I've been going out more, making the effort to see people more often. It's definitely a process - I'm still missing those effortless friends I could just call up and meet immediately, as opposed to planning a get together a week in advance. In time.

Being in NY has made me want to travel more. Not that I want to escape the city, but something about it reminds me of all the places I've never been, and how much of the East Coast hasn't been explored. I think LA lulls you into a sort of complacency, because who would ever want to leave 80 degrees in January? Anyways, plotting my next trip as we speak.

That's pretty much the haps for now. I'm handling the cold much better than I expected (mostly I look like an Eskimo, but at least I'm warm). Hope everything's going well in your lives.