365 days of strategic thinking

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

271) Just Advertising

(Images from Things Real People Don't Say About Advertising.)

This modest Tumblr has been making the rounds in the ad community today. It's an inward-looking, humorous reminder that in the end, it's just advertising. The call to action one kills me.

Another meta-analytical piece that's been circulating recently. It's one of those so-funny-because-it's-so-true videos for those of us in the industry. It has all the ingredients of a slam dunk case study - the voiceover, the copy, and of course, the use of Arcade Fire - yet the actual marketing problem makes it feel somewhat silly.

So how does one justify a career in something that is "just" advertising? It's not like doctors can go around saying that it's "just" saving people's lives.

Ads occupy this oft-flippant space in our minds, yet they drive so much of our world. At worst, they're annoying clutter. But at best, advertising is culture creation that shakes us. And the latter is worth getting into.