365 days of strategic thinking

Friday, April 30, 2010

14) The Big Picture

It's easy to get bogged down in the day to day, and lose your grip on the big picture. Mini meltdowns are a good catalyst for re-evaluating things. No matter how bad things seem to get, I am 1) not terminally ill, 2) not homeless, 3) not trapped in an abusive relationship, and 4) not being hunted down by angry robots. To put all the seemingly tough stuff in perspective, I have to step back and remember that I have a job in an industry that I'm interested in, a loving and supportive family, a great boyfriend, an apartment by the beach, and my health.

It's a lot to ask to be ever-grateful - everyday life can get you mired in the details. But once in awhile, when things get really dark, it's worth taking inventory of the big picture stuff. It's amazing what it can do for your mood and your mindset.

Mini aside - This is a little more personal, and a lot less strategic, but it's Friday and it's been a rough week.