365 days of strategic thinking

Sunday, July 18, 2010

93) You'll Be Missed

My brain isn't functioning properly tonight, so here's a quick (and very partial) list of things I miss about LA, and things I'll miss about Barcelona. Consider it some cultural comparisons, if you will.

1) My Brita filter. I consider myself an embracer of the tap. Back in LA, purchasing water in a plastic bottle is unthinkable, a monstrous sacrilege reserved only for the most dire of situations. Here in Spain, the tap water is plain nasty, so it's common for people to buy multiple 1.5 liter bottles, or those big plastic jugs of agua. I have a steadily growing collection of empty bottles on my desk, and every time I look at them I think of my Brita back home. So far, I haven't seen anything like a Brita here. It could very well exist, but from what I've seen on the street, the plastic bottle reigns.

2) Not having to figure out which direction is upwind. Sometimes in California, I'll see someone smoking on the street and think, really? It's become such a rarity (other than late night social smoking) in my everyday life that when someone lights up it seems out of place. Now I realize that California, or Los Angeles, or even Santa Monica is just an exception to the rule. Here in Spain, I am constantly inhaling cig smoke on the street. I am one of two out of 19 in my class that doesn't smoke. And not just socially after a few drinks. Constantly, anywhere that it's allowed (which is basically everywhere except the Metro). It's a completely different mentality from the states.

3) A fully functioning public transportation system. I've become a huge fan of the TMB, or the Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona. Fast, prompt, intuitive, air conditioned and clean. What more could you ask for? In LA, a public transportation system. Enough said. The Big Blue Bus doesn't count. I know this will never happen in my lifetime, so this is more just me whining than anything culturally significant.

4) Churros con chocolate. Whoever the genius was that thought dipping churros into melted chocolate would be a good idea...I'm drooling just thinking about them. How would one create the next foodie trend in LA? (Note to self - future blog post) Let's kill the cupcake (though Magnolia just opened in LA...) and introduce churros con chocolate as the next big thing. They're mostly sold late night as drunk food, so we could team up with those women who sell bacon wrapped hot dogs on the sidewalk.

Regarding the photo. Earlier this evening, I went out to this Tony Hawk & Friends exhibition tour in Barceloneta. It was open to the public and drew a huge crowd. The hype man made a comment that the weather and the beach combined with the halfpipe made it feel like California. My sentiments exactly.

PS - That's Tony Hawk in the air in the picture! At 42, he is still so talented.